Friday, September 2, 2011

Artis Without Make-up


post kali ni ak sja nk tnjk krg beberape artis yg
b'makeup & gmbr drg ble xde makeup... tp x fair la
kalo ak tnjk pmpuan jer kn,laki pon ad gak yg
makeup especially yg metal & gothic tu... hehehhe

Kelly Clarkson
still nmpk lawa gak la dr pndngan mata ak...

Katy Perry
hahahaha t'serlah segala kedutan muke mu...

Avril Lavigne
damn, pucat gle muke ko

Bill Kaulitz (vocalist Tokio Hotel)
okey,xde beza pon... awek still gle² gak tgk
muke die...

Marilyn Manson
pergh mmg tua gle la muke die.. no wonder la
pki make up seinci... ;P

Joey Jordison
(guitarist Murderdoll / drummer Slipknot)
ak mmg prefer die cover muke die la
sbb muke die mmg x seswai tuk bwk lgu² metal & gothic...
wajah sgt jambu hehehehhe...

Dani Filth (vocal Cradle of Filth)
kalo die xpki contact lens tu mmg da ensem

Jeffrey Hatrix (vocal Mushroomhead)
sma jer keadaan... makeup ker x makeup ker
muke tetap brutal... cool!!!

Faez Norzie
eerrr... komen anyone??? hehehehe

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cube korang imagine kalo mata korang....

cube korang bayangkan... waktu² mlm time korang nak tido,tibe² mata korang rasa gatal giler... maybe sebab habuk xpon bulu kucing korang... sebab gatal gile babi,korang tonyeh² mata korang tu... makin tonyeh makin gatal... last² korang pegi toilet & tengok situation mata korang... than korang t'peranjat berok bile tengok mata korang jadi gini....

(amaran: tuk krg yg cpt rs geli or disturbing tu tlg jgn gatal² nk scroll bwh ek,pape jd kt krg ak x tanggung... jgn ckp ak x bg warning)

hahahaha amacam, ngeri x kalo mata korang gini... aku sendiri pon xtaw la nak cakap gmbar nie betul ker fake... tapi kalo betul la,memang rare gile penyakit nie... kalah mata zombie... so ape yg ak harap, bia la aku & sume orang² yang aku kenal b'ada dalam keadaan sihat² belaka... AMIN!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

BBQ Reunion of 5 Fitra Student (intake 2006)

3 Julai 2011, tarikh yg sgt b'mkna wat ak kt s'alm ni... nk dkt 4 thn da x wat reunion tuk klas ak, 5 Fitra (5F) akhir nye wat jgk alang2 rmi antara ktrang tgh cti sem... tq so much to my fren, Haziq Bajuri yg m'anjurkn jamuan bbq reunion ni... w'pun xsume yg dpt attend,tp still rs meriah jamuan ni... yg klaka nye,byk p'ubahan yg ak tgk dak2 klas ak ni... ade yg gemok ker kurus, ad gak yg kurus ke gemok... xkurang gak ade yg maintain,x gemuk & x kurus (t'msk ak)... kalo nk ltk sume gmbr dlm blog ni mmg take time ak ltk beberape jer...

Penganjur, Haziq & chef tegar, Syizwan

sosej yg da sparuh hngus... tp abis gak di sebat piranha 5F
nie.... hehehehe

muke msing2 cm tgh kelaparan jer... sian krg...

msing2 tgh borak2 psl pejalanan idop msing2 memndangkn
nk dkt 5 thn da xjmpe...

aym tgh panggang... yum2!!!

puspanita 5F... hahahahaha

aym tgh msak gak....

aym yg da siap di bbq.... sdp nih...,. hhahahah

barisan dak2 5F

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Metal Chick!!!!

23 Jun - ms awl2 ak lyn band Eyes Set To Kill (ESTK), ak just
fokus kt frontwomen a.k.a vocalis die, Alexia Rodriguez. mmg
nmpk sgt lawa,da la metal chick lak tu. nk crik awek rockerz
mmg sng,tp yg jiwa metal ni ssh. start semlm,ak jmpe slh 1 video
drg kt page FB drg. br ak sdr yg adik pd Alexia, Anissa Rodriguez
(bassist) tu lgcun dr kakk die. da la lg lawa dr Alexia, manis pon
manis.hohohohoho dlu ak pndang Alexia ni xde r rs pape pon,tp
ble ak pndg si Anissa ni... pergh, angau ak smpi b'ulang2
kali ak play video nie semata2 tgk muka Anissa jer...
oh yer,Anissa ni sebaya ngn ak. umo die 22 thn....

Video ni yg wat ak "cinta pndang p'tama"
kt Anissa (awek bju putih)

pergh, ak pling ske awek pki sweater cm
die nie... aaaooowww...

Anissa with kakk die, Alexia

credit tu photographer yg amik gmbr die
time ni,sgt manis!!!

keep smiling baby coz
u always in my heart (uwek!)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hostel B2-3F-U4 In Memory

14 Jun 2011, tarikh yg wat ak rs berat ati nk tggl kn unisel, especially dak2 umh ak yg msing2 'basah pale' (pale msk air). ak igt lg ms awl2 msk ostel nie,msing2 diam diri & x b'tego,lma2 tu seko2 naik pale msing2... kaco org lain sna cni... tp tu la yg best... kalo mkn mlm kuar rmi2... well sume tu just tggl memori jer... hope sesgt dpt jmpe drg sume sem dpn!!! take care guys!!!

Barisan 'askar2' umh B2-3F-U4:

Name: Zarul
Code: B2-3F-U4-B2-PAX4
Headquarters: Bachelor of Software Engineering
Rank: General

Name: Ifwat
Code: B2-3F-U4-B1-PAX1
Headquarters: Bachelor of Software Engineering
Rank: Lieutenant General

Name: Min/Acai
Code: B2-3F-U4-B1-PAX2
Headquarters: Diploma of Industrial Technology
Rank: Colonel

Name: Faez
Code: B2-3F-U4-B2-PAX3
Headquarters: Bachelor of Software Engineering
Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

Name: Midie
Code: B2-3F-U4-B3-PAX6
Headquarters: Diploma of Industrial Technology
Rank: Major

Name: Madi
Code: B2-3F-U4-B3-PAX5
Headquarters: Diploma of Industrial Technology
Rank: Captain

P.S.: sori guys ak curik gmbr2 krg... hehehehe

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Top 5 Cewek Indon Yang Tak Jemu Tgk (ikot rate ak)

nape ak x taruk aktress m'sia tp taruk aktress indon? actually bkn ak lg support citer indon,tp kalo ak list down aktress m'sia,x ckup ruang nnti.mksd ak rmi gle aktress ngara kte cun2 kalo nk compare ngn indon... hehehehe so ni ak list down top5 cewek2 indon yg mmg sjuk mata memandang & xjemu ak tgk nye...

Nia Ramadhani (Age 21)
sape yg tgk cite Bwang Mrah Bwang Ptih mmg penipu
bsr kalo x taw cewek yg mmg hot nk mati nie.
ak mmg ske tang mulut die nk2 kalo time die snyum....

Revalina S. Temat (Age 26)
nk lg srang actress BMBP gak. die actress pling tua dlm
top5 ak kalo nk compare ngn actress yg laen. rmbt, mata,
idong, mulut ak leh bg 5star la tuk die and 4 da most
favorite part,of course taik lalat kt pipi die. nape?
psl kt pipi ak pon ade taik lalat. ai,pnjg jodoh!!! hehehe

Alyssa Soebandono (Age 20)
plakon cite Upik Abu & Laura. honestly die nie
xde la hot stuff mna pon,aset pon ntah la ak still ske
tgk muke die. nk2 kalo time die snyum, i like!!!

Marshanda Chacha Andriani (Age 22)
wohohoho 1st pndang die dlm cite Sejuta Cinta
Marshanda pon ati ak da ske kt die. xkisah la die pki
tudung & idak,tetap nmpk sweet.but ak prefer tudung la.
br nmpk solehah ckit. dr segi umur,die just muda 6 hari je ngn ak.
die lhir 10 ogos 1989 & ak lak 4 ogos 1989. hehehehe jodoh jodoh!!!

Cinta Laura Kiehl (Age 18)
da most youngest cewek... hehehehe
mna x cun nye,die ni ade celup kot,tu yg lawa.
kalo die wat mulut mncung die tu,sgt cute.
ak ske acting die dlm Upik Abu & Laura (time tu
Irwan Shah ad lg), die nmpk sgt gediks tp maintain
cute... hehehehe i like!!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Happy Mother's Day wat ibu ku, Normala Ismail... thanks coz m'jga saya selama 22 thn especially ms zmn saya wheelchair dlu... tanpa mama,ssh saya nk survive... luv u so mch Mom!!!